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MK: Arm/Deception Facebook Group

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:24 pm
by BevP99
I have recently been trying to spread the word to MK fans over YouTube to inform them that both Mortal Kombat : Armageddon and Deception can be played online. I have made conversations with several people who were excited to learn that this is possible and that they could be a part of it, however conversations have died down.
I was thinking of starting a Facebook group for fans of these two MK games where events could be seen by all members and where Instant Messaging is not only convenient but a huge help when it comes to communicating with other players. I know there are some MK players as I am friends with them on the boards but i just wanted to ask what you guys think of my idea. I am going to continue to inform MK players who make comments on MKA and MKD videos to gather people and potential players to make OpenSpy gaming more popular. Any help or constructive criticism is appreciated :)