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i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:06 am
by altecgodofchaos
i know this probably stupid but i would like to start trying to bring back dead Playstation 2 titles, so we would not have to use lan tunneling for dead games. i'm looking into getting a Sun Microsystems V880 server so that i may use it as the playstation 2 online server for titles that are dead. I'm planning on getting it 8 1.2 ghz processors, and several Gigabytes of memory. this server will provide the games with latency/lag free gameplay. if anyone here is good with computers and software, than i can use all the help i can get. i believe this is worth a shot. if you guys have games that you would like to be brought back than post it and ill see what i can do. this server will mainly be part of this website for our gaming.

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:50 pm
by icebears4ever
Medal of honor Rising sun, i have neverwinter tried it online, but the servers r glises and there is no lan mode, so it would be fun if u Make a server 4 it :)

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:59 am
by lazyhoboguy
Well most ps2 online games are near impossible to bring back since they have to check into Sony's DNAS system before you can login to the online mode of the game. Meaning someone would have to get past the DNAS to ever bring back most PS2 online games. There are a handful of games that do not use DNAS and so its easier to bring those games back online but still requires a lot of work.

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:15 am
by altecgodofchaos
can you give me a list of games that do not have DNAS? and also I've heard you can make some dead games work again with DNAS patching

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:27 am
by Viscosity
Where have u heard that with DNAS patching? That just lets you play games online that are illegaly downloaded. It doesn't bypass DNAS in anyway. It just another way to use DNAS. It is still using the DNAS software. No games are magically going to come back online. so save your money and setup xlink kai. There is almost no lag and half the time it runs better the normal online mode.

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:08 am
by altecgodofchaos
the reason im trying to bring the games back is to eliminate the need for tunneling. please i can use all the help i can get with this project. and plus its a pain in the ass to fuck with ports and stuff with the computer to do xkai link and crap. im not going to mess with my computer to do xkai link again

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:50 pm
by Viscosity
well then your out of luck. Not many people care to get it back online. We care but none of us know how to code netowrk servers and stuff. In fact only a few people here can code at all. A dedicated server is that last thing we need. We are willing to help you every step of the way to get Xlink Kai setup. I hop you don't take this in a bad way but getting servers back up is harder than it seems. Almost every active member here has Xlink Kai setup. You don't have to set it up. Tribes Aerial Assault has been brought back and Apareently the tony hawk games but those don't use DNAS to connect. Basically any game that says it is Authenticating DNAS when you connect is going to get shutdown whenever sony decides to shut down its DNAS servers even if the actual game servers are still up.

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:26 am
by The Don
altecgodofchaos wrote:the reason im trying to bring the games back is to eliminate the need for tunneling. please i can use all the help i can get with this project. and plus its a pain in the ass to fuck with ports and stuff with the computer to do xkai link and crap. im not going to mess with my computer to do xkai link again
I gotta tell you, if you think setting up XLink Kai is hard because you have to forward a port, trying to get PS2 games to run off a custom server isn't something you want to get involved in.

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:21 pm
by Masquarr
altecgodofchaos wrote:...i'm looking into getting a Sun Microsystems V880 server so that i may use it as the playstation 2 online server for titles that are dead. I'm planning on getting it 8 1.2 ghz processors, and several Gigabytes of memory...
You're getting way ahead of yourself, here. The first step is for someone to actually code the software, in order to resurrect the online game(/s.) Resurrecting a dead game is very difficult unless someone had logged packets of the game's transmissions.

However, you might still be able to help proactively, by logging packets of games that have not yet been terminated, so that once their master lists are shut down, someone else will be able to analyze the logs, in order to code programs that replicates the games' master lists. If you really are serious about this, I would suggest downloading wireshark. ( ) It is a very good program that logs packets.

The easiest way to do this would be to install wireshark on a computer with two NICs. (Perhaps a laptop with a wireless NIC and a wired NIC.) Connect the wireless NIC to the internet, and enable internet connection sharing on it. This will allow devices connected to the wired portion to access the internet. Connect your PS2 to the wired NIC, and use a configuration that automatically obtains an IP address, and DNS settings.

Then, use wireshark to "record" various in-game functions. Start up the program, and choose to log packets on the wired interface. It would be best to create a separate file for each function. (So, when you are at the master list of games, start "recording" at the PC, then join one of the games on the list. Immediately afterward, stop the log, and save the file as, "join a game from list," or something.) Try to get a complete collection of every menu-navigation function that is possible.

The next step is to wait until you can find a software engineer who is skilled enough to analyze the packets. There's no way of telling how long it will be before you can find someone who can do this. Actually, you might never be able to find someone who can do this or wants to, so don't get your hopes up.

Re: i would like to restore dead online playstation 2 games

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:11 pm
by altecgodofchaos
thanks for the info. that will help me on my quest to keeping ps2 games online for the future :D . if only i won the lottery, i would build a big mansion, and have a section with a room full of servers for the ps2. do you guys know of anyone that can analyze log packets? any help is greatly appriciated