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Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:12 pm
by icebears4ever
Hi everyone! Heres a list of how the Tony Hawk games work online 4 PS2. Here u will se how they work on each server, if they are active and if u need xlink kai:

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3:

Snipes server: It will 1st say failed to connect but then take u 2 the lobby list.

Bobz server: U will get the message of the day and come to the lobby list, the only bad thing is that bobz server is slow so u may not be able to connect to gamespy the 1st try.

Xlink Kai: It works great with Xlink Kai, but its very hard to install and almost no one is using it.

How many is playing:

That matters, this is a dead game online right now, because most people does not know that this game still works online because it does not have a DNAS patch. But it would be fun if we could find a way to get more people online.

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4:

Snipes server: Works great and the server is fast and never freezes.

Bobz server: Bobz server is really slow, it takes around 5 minutes to get connected so i can recommend using Snipes server.

Xlink Kai: The game has a lan mode but its kinda worthless to use it when you can play on this new servers.

How many is playing:

Defenetly more than in THPS3, here you may find players daily playing, but around 5 people at most are there daily without giving anyone tip or asking one to play.

Tony Hawks Underground:

Snipes server: Wow! Works good as hell with snipes server, you can still do face mapping,

Bobz server: As it is in THPS4 it is slow here also but face mapping works here also.

Xlink Kai: The game does have a lan mode but as it is with THPS4 its worthless to do it.

How many is playing:

This is the place there its around 40 people playing daily, here its always someone to play with and i really like that, but most of them just wanna style and that sucks.

Tony Hawks Underground 2:

Snipes server: Works great and fast, just freezes sometimes when you are in the lobby list.

Bobz server: Slow but never freezes, but it takes time to get to the lobby list.

Xlink Kai: The game does not have a lan mode.

How many is playing:

This is more dead then THPS4, theres almost no one there, i have met around 5 people there. I would really like to find away to get this game more active online.

Tony Hawks American Wasteland:

Snipes server: Fast and good, the game is never freezing here, but in THAW you can not do face mapping because of it uses a different face mapping code.

Bobz server: Slow but good, but face mapping doesnt work here either.

Xlink Kai: The game does not have a lan mode.

How many is playing:

This is the 2nd most active Tony Hawk game on PS2, 15-20 people are playing there daily.

I hope you got help by reading this :) If you have any questions about how to get connected or anything else about this so just ask me cause i can all about Tony Hawk games ;)

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:23 am
by Viscosity
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3:

Snipes server: It will 1st say failed to connect but then take u 2 the lobby list.

Bobz server: U will get the message of the day and come to the lobby list, the only bad thing is that bobz server is slow so u may not be able to connect to gamespy the 1st try.

Xlink Kai: It works great with Xlink Kai, but its very hard to install and almost no one is using it.

How many is playing:

That matters, this is a dead game online right now, because most people does not know that this game still works online because it does not have a DNAS patch. But it would be fun if we could find a way to get more people online.
What is bobs server? Is there a site for that? Is he going to ever release the server software? If he doesn't (same for snipe) when they stop hosting the servers the games will no longer be playable.

Also about DNAS, DNAS is run by SONY. Once they take the DNAS servers offline then every single tony hawk game other than pro skater 3 will go offline. You will just get a "failed to authenticate DNAS" message when you try to connect. DNAS is a BAD thing.

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:22 am
by icebears4ever
Bobz server is the other server u can choose from,
And no i dont think they finna realist the server software, and i dont know how to make this server.

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:12 pm
by Viscosity Lets you host ur own server yay!

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:44 pm
by ninjiss
ok I feel a little left out becasue I dont have xlink kai and one more thing how come swbf2 isnt up on here as an onling game for the ps2 and same goes for the first one.

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:01 am
by Viscosity
They are. They might be listed under LAN games becuase they both have LAN mode. BTW Welcome! We are hear to help you every step of the way to get Xlink Kai up and running for you.

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:01 am
by lazyhoboguy
Favrenation wrote: Lets you host ur own server yay!
That is great news.

And ninjiss you might want to post a thread in the New Members section of the site to introduce yourself. Welcome to the site.

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:10 pm
by Viscosity
I think the servers just does what amplitude does but I am not sure.

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:02 am
by icebears4ever
Favrenation wrote: Lets you host ur own server yay!
Dude thats 4 creating the beta server for THUG lol XD :(

Re: Information about THPS3/THPS4/THUG/THUG2/THAW online

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:43 am
by 21SkAt3r21
I want to figure out thps3 online so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also want more people on thug2 (because its my favorite thps game)!!!!!!!!!!!!! I encourage anyone who hasn't been to to go there now. It is basically the HQ for thps ps2 online.