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    DST Ended (Update The Clocks In Your Signature)

    DST is over (Update Your Signature)

    I am posting this a bit late, but it's still important, as i've noticed that most people haven't updated their timezone clocks in their signatures yet.

    On Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 2:00am Daylights Saving Time ended in the US. We are now back on Standard Time which means that your GMT has shifted by one hour.

    Some areas of the United States do not shift between Daylight Saving Time/ Standard Time. So if you live in one of the places listed below, you don't have to do a thing.

    "Daylight Saving Time, for the U.S. and its territories, is NOT observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the state of Arizona (not the Navajo Indian Reservation, which does observe). Navajo Nation participates in the Daylight Saving Time policy, due to its large size and location in three states" source

    So this means you need to update the clocks in your signatures.

    For example:

    If your signature is

    CODE: Select all

    replace it with

    CODE: Select all


    Just go here: http://www.ps2onlinegaming.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=51 and find your current time, then add that clock into your signature.

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