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Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:48 am
by Rapth
Is everyone still playing SWBF 2 on Friday?

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:54 am
by 21SkAt3r21
i didn't see this server when i was online earlier...

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:51 am
by jacobgrocks
I forgot to get on on Friday......BTW I need an HDD for my laptop before I can host again.

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:37 am
by Viscosity
Do you use your laptop for anything else? Or is it only used for hosting the server? If so you could boot from a usb thumb drive if you want a cheap fix.

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:32 pm
by jacobgrocks
It's a old Dell P4 laptop, which is too old for USB booting and only has USB 1.1.......

I might be able to swap an HDD from an older laptop, however.

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:12 am
by 21SkAt3r21
I would try to host a dedicated server on my old netbook but i already run a minecaft server on it already and it only has 1gb of ram...

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:23 am
by Viscosity
yeah there are plenty of other servers available atm and you can host on ur ps2 so its no big deal

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:20 pm
by Anthony_b.
I have spent years on swbf2. if anyones needs some training, gltiches, just msg me hre and ill get back to you.
i was playing on a couple of servers owned by ppl here, and i noticed they did not have the patch installed to get abover 15 on ass.hunt modes, i can help with a few mod commands that can be insatlled so you dont need to fiddle with the patch crap. such as more than 750 con reinforcemnts, 15+ flags, unlimited spawn invulnerablilty, meaning you are invulnerable untl you use any weapons, like bothan cloak. Also allow me to alert you all i am the glitch king on this, dont get on my bad side. >:).
i can also help with a server mod to allow the server's region to be chnaged while playing. so you can play with eu and jap. jap has less than 20 men left but eu has some good amout of players.

there are also a good number of other social sites, most of which are for servers like the swbfii offiicial arena- or sites for most of the swbf2 clans.


Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:01 pm
by wawowe
My server "ps2online?noglitching" is patched. Although it hasn't been up recently, until last night. I'm going to setup a script for it sometime soon, so I can run it without that GUI. I have to run it with wine since they didn't release the source for it. But either way I'd be interested to know some of your methods for running it :) particularly switching regions while playing.

Re: Started a Battlefront 2 Dedi

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:53 pm
by Anthony_b.
With my experience, you don't need patch. you can do many things throughout the server settings file. What you do is bring up ypur server, make sure its not running, go to the player tab and right-click the large blank box. and select the option 'edit player menu'

from here there will be a list of current commands, messages and server warnings and alot other stuff ppl dont use. anyway after //WARNINGS space 1 line and you can add more commands that can be changed or broken above normal limits.

I will post some basic ones that you can copy n paste from here right into the file.

To raise the assault score jedi mode and space. the cmd is:

ASS score>450 score"/assscorelimit 450"|cmd
ASS score>700 score"/assscorelimit 700"|cmd

In conquest the limit is 750 reinforcements and the number in the server is 500 (500 = 750 reinfrocements)
here is the propor cmd to get even higher:

Con reinforcements>600"/conreinforcements 600"|cmd
Con reinforcements>650"/conreinforcements 650"|cmd here 650 = 925 reinforcements

if you want to give more than 15 flags, only wise on small maps, it gets boring after about 30.

CTF score limit>20"/ctfscorelimit 20"|cmd
CTF score limit>30"/ctfscorelimit 30"|cmd

to break the hunt limit:

Hunt score>500 score"/huntscorelimit 500"|cmd

change region during hosting:

// Set region for server list display
Region>North America"/netregion NA"|cmd
Region>Europe"/netregion EUR"|cmd
region>Japan"/netregion JAP"|cmd you cannot join the server as US player if its currently in jap or EU.. common sense.

These are many of the possible options in this file, all of these can be tweaked to get the exact limits you want, you dont have to use 450 or 700 as your ass score, all you have to do is change the number in the command, you can change the number on any command to whatever you want. after you type or copy these to the server file, close it, save changes then start your server. after the server hs started, wait about 5 seconds nd go back to player tab and then righ-click the blank box and you will see the options you have now added. you can click t turn them on/off. after you select any of the options, atleast 1 map change/restart is needed for these to go into effect. for those who are not familiar with the server, go to MAPS tab and right-click and you will see many options about chabge map, restart map, set as next map. and more. Thhis makes the server instantly change map, one better option that you dont get in 1/4 mode.

I will post more commands here if they are wanted. And there are a few tips on attracting server attention. for one, only real player swill want to play TD on and heros off. its not exactly fun to earn the elite rifle and get pulled and cu in the air by aayla and besides, if hereos why have troops? one more thing is AI's, too many combined with enough players will crash the server. you will then have to restart it. Team damge on is always a given, with damage off (TD OFF) idiotic noobs with no skills will pointblank you with mines, detpacks and slap mines to tank and run you over. its fun but its just strait up pathetic way to get kills.
i hope all this helps. peace.