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Hello from sLOVEnia !!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:33 pm
by hojnikb
Hi to you all !
I've got a ps2 slim from my friend last year and found out that this console has quite a good collection of games.
I esspecially like to play wIPEout series (too bad ps2 verison lacks online play)
flatout series, time splitters fp, and buch of other games i own.

As for online gaming i didnt know until now that there is a community dedicated for ps2.As for online games i only played killzone (if i get lucky enough i can actually find people to play with)

I think ps2 is a nice console and besides other console i own from 7th generation i still enjoy playing it despite older graphics..

Re: Hello from sLOVEnia !!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:10 pm
by lazyhoboguy
Welcome to the site man. We play Timesplitters Future Perfect just about every week through Xlink Kai if you have that setup. I have been meaning to try the Wipeout series as it looks like a type of game I would enjoy.

Re: Hello from sLOVEnia !!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:46 pm
by Genocidesmile
Hey everybody! I'm new here as well, mainly here for Twisted Metal Black Online.

Setting up Kia for both PS2 and PS3 backwards compatible, as voluptuous as it sounds, it has been requiring a little learning but making progress nonetheless, lol.

Should be up and running in no time, I'll keep in touch.

Re: Hello from sLOVEnia !!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:06 am
by Viscosity
Hey if you need help setting up xlink kai just post your trouble in the help section.

Re: Hello from sLOVEnia !!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 5:35 am
by lazyhoboguy
Genocidesmile welcome man. Like favrenation mentioned if you need help with getting xlink kai setup you can post in the help section of the website and we can try to help. One big problem for ps3s with xlink kai is using wireless. If you are doing so, try using a wired setup.