I added everyone currently on the site as of October 6th, 2010 to the list if they had their Xlink Kai nickname listed in their profile. Make sure your info is correct on the list and let me know if it isn't.
If anyone sees that they are not on the list, post here and let me know and I will add you to it.
If you do not see a * (blue asterisk) next to a person's name below and you have played a game through xlink kai with that person, post here to let me know and I will update the list.
alex7527: aiden7527
Anemptybox: Anemptybox *
Artur: Sierron *
Atom: CriTT
Awesom3B: Awesom3B
ced818: ced818
chak88: chak88
CypeErype: CypeErype
DMG969 CR: DMG969CR *
Dong Hwan: Dong_Hwan *
Fauch: Le_Faucheur
Favrenation: favrenation *
fpneves: fpneves*
FreddY: Razxr*
Gary_b: Gary_b
GasHM: GasHM *
Grillinessou: Grillinessou *
Horageous: Horageous *
Hungry_Gram: Hungry_Gram *
ichidanx: Ichidanx
Indead: Indead
JJC5150: JJC5150 *
jniebaum32: jbomb99 *
JTDrumman07: JTDrumman07
lazyhoboguy: lazyhobobum *
Lt. Surge: ltsurge695 *
MadeInSweden: MadeInSweden
MagnumTMA: MagnumTMA *
maartyrr : maartyrr *
MooshMan812: MooshMan812
Mr.Chale: Mr.Chale *
Mytho: xXxSeraphimxXx *
Nightcrawlerz: nightcrawlerz
Nihil8: Nihil8 *
NoLimits: NoLimits *
noonotthat:noonotthat *
Nosferatu: Nosferatu1922 *
pandhy: pandhy
Pannta: pannta *
Pike Fodder: IceCheat
RoaDiE TMA: roadietma
RogueCommando: RogueCommando *
Scoopers: scoopers
Slacker: VoraciousSlacker *
wawowe: wawowe *
yourgod: vdanov
Want to plan a Xlink Kai playstation 2 game with these people? Then post a thread in the Game Scheduling section of the site. Under its LAN tunneling subforum.