As some of you may have known, the site periodically goes down a day or two once a month. This was me forgetting to pay the web hosting bills. For the amount of traffic this sites gets, the last host was not worth the money I was paying. I have switched web hosts and have paid for two years in advance which costs less than five months of service on the other host. I have noticed that the site may be a little slower to load but there are multiple things I will be working on to make the site more efficient. If anyone has trouble accessing any parts of the site, message me or lazyhoboguy about it, or reply to this thread.
**Since there has not been many news post from the site in a long while I thought I would reflect on the mass server closures of ps2 games. Like many other consoles from that period of time or older, the amount of games that will be online will continue to dwindle. The thing that makes the ps2 different however is the amount of online games that support LAN mode. Any games that has that mode will be playable online through LAN tunneling software such as XLINK or XBSLink. There are also servers that have been reverse engineered. The only games that will be online forever so far are Tribes and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3. Those games do not have the DNAS feature that is required to connect to the servers. While there have been a few hacks to get past it for certain games, it is not widespread as of yet. As soon as Sony shuts down their DNAS servers, most games that are still alive either through openspy or their original servers will cease to function. I will attempt to update the list of games still available online in the near future as well as try to update anything else on the site that needs it.
New Webhosting and Other News
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Re: New Webhosting and Other News
Glad to hear everything is all set now it made me nervous with the 404 error. Tribes is awesome !
- Level 41: Can't Think of More Ranks...Time to Split!
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Re: New Webhosting and Other News
yeah, no shit chak
now if only we can get Viscosity to join in some tribes

now if only we can get Viscosity to join in some tribes

Re: New Webhosting and Other News
Yeah sorry I have been busy working. I am usually doing other things on the weekend but if I ever have the time to stop by I will try to let you know.
- Level 41: Can't Think of More Ranks...Time to Split!
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Re: New Webhosting and Other News
that would be great Viscosity but is there any other day and time that would be more convenient for you?
i remember once in awhile that Sundays worked for you
i remember once in awhile that Sundays worked for you
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Re: New Webhosting and Other News
Viscocity has been helping to host the site for a very long time, and I appreciate it. I don'r ever plan to shut down the site for those that were worried. Even though I've been too busy to play ps2 online and to play games in general, I still miss ps2 online and will eventually play again when it's possible for me.
- Level 41: Can't Think of More Ranks...Time to Split!
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Re: New Webhosting and Other News
Bobzenetertainment is down this Saturday afternoon.
- Artur
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Re: New Webhosting and Other News
Good to see that the site is still up. I did something like that last year as I saw no reason for keeping my current host and the kind of limitation he had. The new one is much better for the same price. 

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Re: New Webhosting and Other News
Thanks to Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, the DNAS servers are still up, these servers are located in Japan so SCEA (Fu*k they) or SCCE (they too) won't/can't touch in these servers, It seems SCEJ still care about PSone, PS2 and PSP, i believe DNAS servers PS2, PSP and PS3 so it will live for a long time.