Forum Reorganized A Bit

Here we will post about changes to the site and will make announcements about other things important to the community.
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site admin
Posts: 1766
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:23 pm
Xlink Kai Setup?: yes
Xlink Kai username: lazyhobobum
Location: west coast usa

Forum Reorganized A Bit

Post by lazyhoboguy »

We made a few changes to how things on the forum are organized. None of your posts were deleted and if we ever decided to delete sections of the forums that would result in the deletion of any of your posts, we would give you notification ahead of time so you wouldn't lose anything you wanted to save.

"PS2 LAN Tunneling (Xlink Kai)" Section Is Now On Main Page

The biggest change is that now the "PS2 LAN Tunneling (Xlink Kai)" section now has its on section that is visible on the home page. Before it was a subforum inside "PS2 Online Game Talk" so it was very easy to miss.

Tony Hawk Series Subforum Deleted

The "Tony Hawk Pro Skater Series" subforum within the "PS2 LAN Tunneling (Xlink Kai)" section was deleted. This was done because there was no activity in this subforum and those games can just be talked about in the main "PS2 LAN Tunneling (Xlink Kai)" section.

Also, since some people at have servers up for the Tony Hawk games that will be around for a bit, LAN tunneling the games wont' be needed for awhile.

If those games start getting a lot of forum discussion all of a sudden we can always add back separate sections for them.

New Forum Icons Created

Thank you Favrenation for upgrading the forum icons. The new PS2 controller button images are of a higher resolution than the old ones.

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