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Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:31 pm
by Viscosity
Nonothat and friend

We Had Our First 8 Player Match Ever!!

We played for about 3 hours and it was a great game.

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Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:13 pm
by Lt. Surge
Prolly best that I didn't come, then. If I was there, there'd be 9 players, and we'd prolly have to wait for turns or have two simultaneous games. We gotta figure out what to do with that, still.

Also, fix your audio. Only the left Stereo is coming out. This is in your other videos, as well.

If you can't do that easily you might have to convert the video file into .WAV and then use Audacity to make it Mono, then finally join the Audio and Video in a Video Editing software such as Windows Movie maker.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:17 pm
by lazyhoboguy
Yea ggs everone, this was a moment in Xlink TSFP history lol. First time we have ever had a full game in the years we have been playing this game through xlink kai. Looks like this feat could happen quite often.

We played on bunker with shotguns and played Vietnam and both maps turned out to be really fun with 7-8 people. So that is good to know that those maps are fun with high player counts. We tried Zeppelin with 7 people and even still that map seemed a bit too big haha.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:22 pm
by Viscosity
The audio is only on one side because I only have one audio chord in the recorder and the other one in the tv because I am too cheap to buy two more splitters lol. I will get too it eventually but it is not that bad.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:38 am
by noonotthat
I had a blast, I still can't believe it took this long to finally get 8 people into one game. Hopefully next weeks proves to be just as good of a turnout.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:13 pm
by Lt. Surge
So how are we gonna handle more than 8 people?

Also, let's not forget Skype has a conference call limit...
Favrenation wrote:The audio is only on one side because I only have one audio chord in the recorder and the other one in the tv because I am too cheap to buy two more splitters lol. I will get too it eventually but it is not that bad.
In the meantime, I volunteer to do the editing if you provide the raw footage.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:46 pm
by Viscosity
for future videos sure but I don't want to re-upload the old ones because I lose view counts and its bogs down my already slow connection. I can do it myself though. Does it really matter? As long as your not using headphones or giant expensive computer speakers then its not a big deal. I might just go buy the two splitters because of this.

I'm am also curious about how we are going to handle more than 8 people. I am soon going to be helping a friend play this game online and this makes like at least 10 people that can show up with a good chance. And that doesn't even include split-screen LAN if you have a friend over. You can have up to four people on split-screen.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:24 am
by lazyhoboguy
Well since the player limit is 8, not too much we can do if we have a ton of people.

We can either split the game up into 2 games. Into a 4 and 5 player game if we had 9 people for example. This game is still fun even with 3 people. Or if we only have like 1 extra person, we could maybe rotate the players in the match every game. So nobody sits out 2 games in a row. Those are really the only 2 options I can think of.

THe skype call limit isnt really a big deal at all, as the headest chat is really just a luxury. What is the skype call limit? WE have never reached it before. Because a lot of people dont have headsets, or if they do they have their computer in a different room than their ps2 so they can't use skype.

Like the main reason we even began using headsets during xlink was because it made it easier between matches since we could discuss what would be hosted next instead of having to get up after every game and glance at the Xlink Chat.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:54 am
by Viscosity
skype call limit is 10 but I think the newer version supports more.

Re: Time Splitters Future Perfect 10-9-10 3rd Weekly Game

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:27 pm
by Lt. Surge
lazyhoboguy wrote:Well since the player limit is 8, not too much we can do if we have a ton of people.

We can either split the game up into 2 games. Into a 4 and 5 player game if we had 9 people for example. This game is still fun even with 3 people. Or if we only have like 1 extra person, we could maybe rotate the players in the match every game. So nobody sits out 2 games in a row. Those are really the only 2 options I can think of.

THe skype call limit isnt really a big deal at all, as the headest chat is really just a luxury. What is the skype call limit? WE have never reached it before. Because a lot of people dont have headsets, or if they do they have their computer in a different room than their ps2 so they can't use skype.

Like the main reason we even began using headsets during xlink was because it made it easier between matches since we could discuss what would be hosted next instead of having to get up after every game and glance at the Xlink Chat.
Well, imho voice chat is an immersive part of the gaming experience. Ideally, everyone could have a headset but I of course don't think it's mandatory. Just really cool and does help the logistics.

I suggest that the people who don't have headsets can be static and the ones with headsets can choose to rotate between the two games, and this be done respectively to any 3, 4, 5 or even 6 simultaneous games. But I realize that is at the moment thinking very big.

Likely if there's an 8/3 ratio between people who have and don't have headsets, respectively, perhaps in the future, full games can be completely with or without headsets, and each game is hosted by a different person.

I recommend there be an 8-person limit to actual players (not guests) per Skype Call, unless there is absolutely no limit to the amount of people who can be on. This also has to do with players from different games talking at the same time and that could be very confusing to hosts.