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Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (11/10/10)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:18 pm
by lazyhoboguy
Participating Community Members


Mytho and I decided to try this game out to mess around. Suprisingly we were able to connect to each other and a bunch of random people joined the game I hosted. Favrenatino showed up later and I had fun for awhile playing this game. We had the treat of playing the map "Buchholz". While its name is entertaining, the actual level is pretty bad. THe frame rate is so horrible in the level that if you just turn you see the game about to explode because it can't handle all the fires and smoke effects its trying to render in the middle of the level. OH well. The map Gela at least doesn't run so bad. Town Square and Bizerte can be fun too.