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Timesplitters: Future Perfect (1/22/11) Saturday Weekly Game

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:47 pm
by lazyhoboguy
Participating Community Members

sgt. beket

Sorry if I forgot anyone that showed up earlier in the night. My internet went out yesterday for a few hours so I was a few hours late. Even still Xlink Kai was not working because of too many PSP users... :(

We moved over to XBSlink and managed to play a lot of games through that.

Re: Timesplitters: Future Perfect (1/22/11) Saturday Weekly

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:30 pm
by NoLimits
I got back later than expected and my ps2 wasn't even set up so I didn't end up coming again. Btw, has XBSlink been working well?

Re: Timesplitters: Future Perfect (1/22/11) Saturday Weekly

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:44 am
by lazyhoboguy
It seems like we have XBSlink figured out now. Basically you need to be port forwarded (or have UPNP on your router) in order for XBSlink to work properly. So it's not really any easier to setup than Xlink Kai.

And it seems like there can be only 1 non port forwarded person in a game. If another person on a closed connectino like that tries joining it doesn't work. Still kind of cool one closed port person is allowed to be in a game since that's not possible on Xlink Kai.

Favrenation and Iron_Pimp have been doing a lot of the testing and figuring this stuff out.

Re: Timesplitters: Future Perfect (1/22/11) Saturday Weekly

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:51 pm
by Viscosity
Yeah Lazy is right. The one main thing here is that it doesn't rely on servers to work. So you would never have the same problem as xlink right now with the monster hunter players even if they all switched to XBSlink. The person who hosts is the server and it works like a torrent in that each person connected gives off a little bandwidth to the other players to be able to connect instead of the host using all of his bandwidth. This also means that the software will work forevor unlike xlink because xlink can shut their servers down. Another thing too is that you can host your own master list of "games" being played in the software so you won't always have to direct connect if the XBSlink creator shuts down his master-list.

Another added note is that the software itself seems a lot more stable. Some people (like me and Lazy) have to open up xlink 100 times to get it to run properly and with xbslink it just works.

Re: Timesplitters: Future Perfect (1/22/11) Saturday Weekly

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:18 am
by NoLimits
sounds good then. Xlink worked well for me, once I figured out how to use it, (which shouldn't have taken me so long when I look back on it) but I guess its not as reliable for everyone else. I also haven't been on it for a few months...

Re: Timesplitters: Future Perfect (1/22/11) Saturday Weekly

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:04 am
by lazyhoboguy
Xlink is unusable half the time currently because a flood of PSP Japanese monster hunter players have been overloading Xlink Kai's servers. It tends to happen right when we try to play some PS2 gaming on there. Hopefully this monster hunter madness will calm down and xlink kai will be as usable as it was before.